Key Information
School governors play a vital role in promoting high standards of educational achievement. Our governors are committed to serving the best interests of Wheldrake with Thorganby CE Primary School. As unpaid voluntary public servants, they help to sustain the school’s identity and provide a link with the local community. The members of the governing body include:
- school staff
- parents of pupils
- representative of the church
- members of the public from all walks of life.
- 2024-25 WwT Local Governors Register of Business Interests
- 2023-24 WwT Local Governors Register of Business Interests
Governor Profiles

Dave Carpenter – Chair of Governors, Trust Appointed Governor
I am an elected parent governor and am excited to be a part of our wonderful village school. I am passionate about the role of the arts in helping children express themselves and gain confidence.
At work, I manage the commercial aspect of large rail civil engineering and asset management programmes. This has given me a wealth of experience in budget management which I look to bring to my role as governor. Working in a safety critical industry, I am used to putting safety first in everything we do, which is why I volunteered to be the link governor in this area.
Paul Botting – Foundation Governor, Ex-officio
I have lived in Wheldrake village for over 50 years. I am the Diocesan appointed ex-officio Foundation Governor for the Church.
Over the 32 years that I have been a Governor at Wheldrake with Thorganby CE Primary School, I have held all the offices at various points.
My three children all went to the school and from September 2022 I will have a Granddaughter in Reception class.

Alan Crowe – Foundation Governor
Jill Patrick – Foundation Governor
I was born in Wheldrake and moved to Thorganby when I was six months old. After working at the school, as a teaching assistant, a midday supervisory assistant and an emotional literacy support assistant, I retired in 2019. I have been a foundation governor (appointed by the Parochial church council) since November 2013 and am keen to give our children the best possible learning experience in a safe, happy caring and friendly environment. Both my daughters attended Wheldrake with Thorganby CE primary school.
I play the church organ, enjoy various crafts including sewing and love a night at the Theatre.

Rebecca Rumblelow – Foundation Governor
Like a good cup of Yorkshire Tea, I’ve been born & bred in God’s County! My husband (Alan) & I moved to the village of Wheldrake during April 2022, and we have established supportive relationships through the Local Church and strive to serve our village community. Professionally, I am employed in the Rail Sector and currently support the Human Resources department with Project Management skills, to bring positive change and ensure our resources are enabled to perform to the best of their abilities.
I am an advocate of STEM & supporting the Mental Health of our children, which I firmly believe is influenced by the caring environment we create. I’m passionate about equal opportunities for our children, allowing each of them to reach their full potential.
I’m really looking forward to using all the skills and experience I have, to help support the school going forward.
Sarah Greatorex – Parent Governor
I was appointed a parent governor in October 2021 and have two children at Wheldrake with Thorganby school. I am a qualified governance professional with over 18 years’ experience of governance and compliance in public listed companies. I am looking forward to using my skills and experience to support the development of my local primary school for the benefit of all the children and the wider school community.

Nicola Clark – Staff Governor
I have worked at Wheldrake with Thorganby CE Primary School for 15 years. Currently, I teach Year 1 but I have also taught Year 2, Year 3 and Year 5 while I have worked here. I am the RE subject lead now having also been the subject lead for English and Computing in the past. While my son was growing up I have helped out in my local community as Chair of the Committee for his pre-school and out of school club and more recently as Group Secretary for our local scout group. I am looking forward to helping my school community now as a Staff Governor. In my free time I enjoy reading and cross stitch.
Chloe Patrick – Trust Appointed Governor
I am a chartered accountant, with experience in auditing and assisting schools to ensure they comply with the financial reporting requirements.
Having grown up in Thorganby and attended Wheldrake with Thorganby school in the 2000s, I welcome the opportunity to give something back to the school and make a positive impact for the current and prospective children who attend.
I am keen to ensure the school is a safe and happy learning environment for all children.

Claire Goodman – Foundation Governor
I moved to Thorganby in 2013 with my husband James and then on to Wheldrake in 2021. We have 2 children at Wheldrake with Thorganby school and I became a Foundation Governor in September 2024. I am so excited to be a governor in our wonderful community and passionate about the importance of our primary school in our children’s education and in enriching the life of our villages.
I have worked my entire career in hospital management, working in York and the Leeds Hospitals and have extensive experience in running hospital departments and the delicate balance between finance, and trying to provide the best possible quality service for patients. I hope my experience will be helpful to the school.
Shirley Hodgson – Foundation Governor (no longer serving as of September 2024)
I was born in Wheldrake and went to school in what is now White Rose House. My two sons went to the school we have now but it has been extended since then.
I am disabled and limited with things I’m able to do physically but like to be involved with school’s connection with church it is very important to me.
I like reading and listening to music, spending time with family and friends. Theatre, Cinema, love motorbikes.

Bronwyn Urwin – Foundation Governor (no longer serving as of September 2024)
I have lived in the village now for over 30 years and my youngest child attended Wheldrake with Thorganby School in the 1990’s. I am a Foundation Governor and have special responsibility for Special Educational Needs in the school.
Prior to retirement I worked as a speech and language therapist/teacher and latterly a child and adolescent mental health therapist. I was, and still am, passionate about inclusivity with justice and fairness for all. Although I am close to edging out of my 7th decade, I believe I still have the energy and commitment to support the work of the school and to see the children grow and develop in a happy, caring community.
Emma Mawer – Foundation Governor (no longer serving as of September 2024)
I have been a Foundation Governor at Wheldrake with Thorganby CE Primary School for 3 years and am a parent of a pupil who left the school last year. I originally trained as a primary teacher and taught for 11 years in the U.K., so am passionate about providing excellent education for all children.
Over the past 8 years I have set up and run community projects, which has given me leadership and management experience.
I am a Christian and am actively involved in the local church. So, I am also keen to support the school in immersing children in Christian beliefs and practice, as it strives to be the best that it can.

All children can start school in the September before their 5th birthday. You should apply for your child to start primary or infant school by the 15th of January in the school year your child turns 4. For entry in the September 2025 school year, children will have been born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021. Later start dates are possible and can be discussed with the headteacher.
Applications for children who were born between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022 can be made only from the Autumn of 2025.
Following the conversion to academy status the South York Multi Academy Trust is our admissions authority. Applications are processed by, and must be made via, the Local Authority. You will find the South York Multi Academy Trust Admissions Policy on the SYMAT website (under policies).
For any queries about the admissions policy or process you can email or call 01904 551554. Further details are available on their website, and details of the admissions policies for all York schools can be found here.
Will your child start reception in September 2025?
Applications for a place in Reception starting in September 2025 open on 12th September 2024. The deadline for applications is 15th January 2025 although late applications can be made after this date. National Offer Day is the 16th April 2025, or the next working day.
Applications for entry into reception can be made by using the parent portal to apply for a school place.
If you can’t apply online you can request a paper Primary Application Form by calling 01904 551 554. Forms are also distributed to primary schools and nurseries in the York area.
Please read the guide for parents applying for a school place, as it contains key information on school admissions. You can also find the Guide to School Catchment Areas online. We also advise you to keep checking on the City of York Council Admissions site to keep updated with key dates throughout the year.
Key Dates for the City of York Council Admissions Process for Reception 2025
- 12th September 2024 – opening date for applications
- 15th Jan 2025 – Deadline for applications
- 16th April 2025 or the next working day – National Offer Day
- 17th May 2025 – Appeal forms to be returned
- June-July 2025 – Admission appeals heard
- September 2025 – Applications for the 2026 entry into Reception expected to open
Admission Consultations
South York Multi Academy Trust is our admissions authority. Admissions consultation for entry in 2025-2026 which will be held by all admissions authorities in the City of York.
A selection of our policies are available to view online by following the links.
All our policies are available to view at any time – just call in to the school office to enquire.
- Abusive or Threatening Behaviour Policy (coming soon)
- Accessibility Plan
- Anti Bullying Policy
- Attendance and Punctuality Policy 2024
- Behaviour Regulation Policy 2024
- Charging & Remissions Policy (find under the Policies tab)
- Child protection and safeguarding Policy (SYMAT)
- Code of Conduct (Staff) Sept 2023 (SYMAT)
- Complaints Policy
- Curriculum Policy
- Employment Privacy Notice (SYMAT)
- Equality & Diversity Policy
- Exclusion Policy
- Governors or Trustees and Volunteers Privacy Notice (SYMAT)
- Menopause Policy Sept 2024 (SYMAT)
- Parents and Pupils Privacy Notice (SYMAT)
- PSHE Policy
- RE Policy 2024
- SEN Policy 2024-25
- Uniform Policy
- General Privacy Notice (SYMAT)
- Website Privacy Policy (SYMAT)
- Whistleblowing Policy
Accounts and Financial Information
The Academies Financial Handbook includes a requirement for academy trusts to publish financial statements for the last two years. There is also a requirement to publish the relevant business and pecuniary interests of members, trustees and local governors.
Click this section of the page, to find information about our school governance.
The financial statements are published on the South York Multi-Academy Trust website here.