Welcome to Wheldrake with Thorganby CE Primary School
I would like to extend a very sincere welcome to Wheldrake with Thorganby Church of England School. Located in the lovely village of Wheldrake, just south-east of York, our school was described as good in the November 2022 Ofsted inspection and good in the SIAMS inspection (June 2019).
Our school is a warm, friendly place of learning where we are all working together to be the best we can be. The Ofsted inspector found that:
“Pupils at Wheldrake with Thorganby Church of England Primary School are friendly, polite and welcoming. They are proud of their school. They remember the three school rules, ‘respectful, ready and safe’. This helps them to behave well and do their best in lessons.
Leaders and staff have high expectations of every pupil, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils respond to these high expectations by working hard. They enjoy learning and the interesting discussions they have. Teachers plan exciting activities that bring the curriculum to life.
Behaviour in lessons and at breaktimes is good. Pupils of all ages thoroughly enjoy playing together in the lovely outdoor environment. Bullying is rare.”
Our aim is to nurture children to become lifelong learners so that they can achieve well in all areas; academically, creatively, socially, physically. Our varied and exciting curriculum evolves to ensure we are preparing our pupils for the 21st century.
We are proud of our strong partnerships with our parents and carers and within the community. We work closely with the schools in SYMAT (South York Multi Academy Trust) which includes the outstanding Fulford Secondary School (we are a feeder school) and 5 other primary schools. We also maintain links with our local cluster of schools, the South Yorks Schools Partnership, and with our local feeder settings. We work alongside our local churches, St Helen’s in Wheldrake and St Helen’s in Thorganby.
I look forward to welcoming you and your child and would encourage you to come and visit us to find out more about what makes this school so special.
Alison Shaw