Our Vision and Values
Love your neighbour as yourselves. Matthew 22:39
Let us encourage one another. Hebrews 10:25
Wheldrake with Thorganby C.E. Primary School nurtures all children and adults to become lifelong learners, building a thirst for knowledge, encouraging excellence and fostering creativity through a varied and exciting curriculum. Our school Christian values of faith, hope and love underpin everything we do and are an umbrella of other values. We celebrate local, global and cultural diversity in our ever changing society.

Collective Worship
Engage in an act of community.
Express praise and thanksgiving to God.
Be still and reflect.
Explore the big questions of life and respond to national events.
Foster respect and deepen spiritual awareness.
Reflect on the character of God and on the teachings of Christ.
Affirm Christian values and attitudes.
Share each other’s joys and challenges.
Celebrate special times in the Christian calendar.
We work with the local vicar, other church members, visitors, such as YOYO, and the pupils involved in our Worship Group to plan and deliver acts of worship that are invitational, reflective and engaging. There is plenty of flexibility in the provision of collective worship to enable all pupils to benefit without compromising their beliefs. Christian values are built into our ethos and teaching, and are reflected in the cycle of themes on which our daily acts of worship are based. The spiritual, social, cultural, and moral welfare of our pupils, whatever their background, is of prime concern to us at school. One of the ways our school expresses its Christian character is by having services led by our Worship Group in our local church each term. This academic year, we have introduced Picture News in collective worship, where a topical image is shared with thought provoking questions.
Parents do have the right to withdraw their children on religious grounds from acts of collective worship, but we believe that pupils so excluded would miss an important part of school life. If any parents wish to exercise their right, they are asked to discuss this matter with the Headteacher, and alternative arrangements will be made.
Behaviour Regulation
At Wheldrake with Thorganby CE Primary School, we recognise that understanding our emotions is a key aspect of understanding and managing behaviour. Our 3 school rules, Ready, Respect and Safe throughout everything we do are the foundation of our school community.
We use The Zones of Regulation® programme throughout school. The programme was designed by an occupational therapist (Leah Kuypers, 2011). The programme teaches children about self-regulation by categorising all the different ways we feel and the different states of alertness we experience into four coloured zones.
The programme also provides a range of strategies that allow children to become more aware of and independent in regulating their emotions.
To find out more about the zones: WWT Zones of Regulation